specialized vocabulary
- 专门词汇

Many technical jobs use a specialized vocabulary .
Research on Automatic Acquisition Method of Agriculture Specialized Vocabulary Based on Baidu Encyclopaedia
American English has a specialized vocabulary of insults based on party affiliation .
Methods in memorizing and mastering specialized vocabulary ;
Translate the original is a more specialized vocabulary patents in technology article , patents are highly representative .
Following after the term , nomen was divided into specialized vocabulary in the thirties of the 20th century , and its importance takes second only after terms .
This dissertation focus on the language characters of short message which used for festival bless , as changing the meaning of specialized vocabulary , using non-Chinese signals , changing the meaning of poems and music , est .
From the angle of language , the compilation characteristics of the textbook show up in the following aspects : step-by-step guidelines from simple to complex , transcription contributing to memory , specialized vocabulary teaching , fixed phrases and language chucks teaching .
Other units of the specialized vocabulary ( such as nomens , analogous terms , terms of a simple level , words used in certain professions ) have special features , but they are not up to the criteria of the term in the real sense of the word .
We analyze the conceptual issues of dynastic basic vocabulary and specialized books ' basic vocabulary , and establish the basic principles of distinguishing " Four Satirical Novels " vocabulary in the late Qing dynasty , and then have category description of the composition just coming into basic vocabulary .
According to the category information carried by the text , the system is able to choose the corresponding specialized dictionary to do word segment processing , it can effectively improve the accuracy of specialized vocabulary segmentation , which is also proved by the experiments .